ALDRICH Resources’s E-Procurement system provides an ecosystem that allows for a fluid exchange of information to increase efficiency in the purchasing and selling market. The system has an integrated purchase order feature which makes ordering easy. The order is then sent to the Vendor which will alert them to send the supplies. The user friendly system will remove the miscommunication between buyers and sellers as it stores records of every transactional request. This allows for accurate monitoring which makes it easy for auditors to review the accounts.
This system has a multitudinous amount of features including Online Vendor Registration, E-catalogue, Purchase requisition, Request routing and approval, Purchase order creation, Purchase order transmission to vendor, Receiving / delivery / rejections / replacements, Supplier performance Management, E-tender – RFQ creation / publish / invitation. Tender / REQ – opening / evaluation / approval / awarding and Bidding. Its flexibility is what makes it vital to any business. No matter the market, every purchasing department with in every organisation will benefit greatly from the adoption of this system.